Starseed Healer On a Mission

Starseed Healer On a Mission

Here I'll share a bit about my journey so far 🔮

From am early age I've been in love with nature. I believe that being raised with much less technology and around our beloved trees, has accelerated my ability to be a medium channel and speak light language. Another aspect that has inclined me to be a more clear channel for spirit, is my passion for nutrition and homeopathic health. I became vegetarian 4 years ago and not long after, became vegan. I am now on the raw vegan journey and never felt so much electricity and energy for life! Being clear and energized from within makes me hyper aware of activity the spirit world and the collective consciousnes. (The collective consciousness is the group spirit of humanity, in which we all are going through similar lessons.) Not long ago I found tarot cards, and ever since have had the closest relationship with spirit. My psychic abilities have heightened these past few years. And now I'm more ready and excited than ever to share my gift in order to improve others lives for the highest good of all! 🌏

Thank you for reading my story! Tia 💋